Wool Handling

Wool Handling

For the past 25 years wool handling competitions have become an integral part of shearing events throughout the country. In fact one could say wool handling is the biggest growth industry on the New Zealand shearing circuit.

With four grades in the Wool handling Championships – Novice, Junior, Senior and Open. Record entries are likely to be received again for these highly skilled competitions.

Because there are so many different methods and systems of wool handling practised world-wide, due to different kinds of sheep and degrees of processing for wool fleeces, no uniform standard could be expected from competitors especially in the Northern Hemisphere.

The New Zealand, Australian and to some lesser extent British and South African standards and methods are now becoming used more commonly, due partly to New Zealand wool handlers travelling the globe, and intense marketing programmes by most of our New Zealand Wool Exporters.

The wool handling competitions are of great importance in the presentation and marketing of wool world-wide and the style and grace of these supreme athletes creates a colourful and exciting contest.

Wool Handling